Pet Diarrhea

Pet Diarrhea – It’s Your Dooty to Know.

Pet Diarrhea


Why does my dog have diarrhea?  Should I be worried?  What can I do at home to prevent and treat dog diarrhea?

That's probably the most common health concern in dogs.  Here's the real scoop on causes and concerns, plus easy ways to manage the "squirts"!

Why does your doggo have diarrhea? - There are many possibilities.  Most likely, they've eaten something gross, that upsets their tummy.  The dog's body has a natural attempt to get rid of the offending stuff and runny poop happens.

Then their is stress- simply the dog’s intestinal reaction to a change in their environment. – too much excitement, travel, food change – in other words the modern world. Canines have a simple and short digestive tract and with any change in routine they are quite susceptible to the “runs”.

But sometimes diarrhea that’s more serious and that doesn’t clear up quickly or recurs frequently. This can from chronic digestive poor health. And the chronic type can be caused by many factors

Just to name a few. But at the core of all of these is an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive system. Either antibiotics/medication has stripped the good bacteria or the disease has created an environment that doesn’t allow the good bacteria to proliferate.

Once the “bad bacteria” get the upper hand, they breed quickly and lead to diarrhea. And once chronic diarrhea sets in, it can be very difficult for an animal to get well if their gut is not well.


 So taking care of the gut is crucial – to help heal diarrhea but also to prevent it, so the immune system stays healthy and to heal chronic diarrhea.

Increasing good gut bacteria is the key, no matter what the cause. 

Of course, we recommend Pet SuperJuice for Dogs because it is safe, non-toxic, natural, organic and packed with the billions of good bacteria feeding PREbiotics needed to do a good job in helping the gut heal. Plus it is easy and economical.

Another nice thing about using natural digestive aides is that you won’t have to withhold food, change foods or be concerned about contraindications with any other medications you might be giving.